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36’s Orphan Works 04​-​XX and Music for Isolation (free ambient)

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Orphan Works 04-XX is like a series of stepping stones amid the broad lake of 36’s greater works. Actually, I have no idea what I’m talking about, especially when it comes to anything musical, but 36 normally charges for his music, and leaves it up to you whether to pay for this one.

Ambient music on Bandcamp is a dime-a-dozen, but there are some real wall-starers in here. Some aren’t. In all, highly recommended.


Similarly priced (at nothing, potentially), Music for Isolation is targeted at broke shelterers. The sentiment is reason enough to give it a listen, and it’s less than half an hour long.

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B612 “cockpit” font

B612 – A free font family, financed by Airbus, for maximum readability on cockpit displays. Not so great blown up, but darn good at small sizes. I especially like the numerals.

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Inconsolata font


At first, I just wanted a boxy monospace font, like the old Brother word processor I used a couple decades ago. Inconsolata felt too tall at first, but really grew on me. Feels about as readable as a variable space font, and it won out over Ubuntu and Source Sans Pro for my text editor.



bloggish stuff I made

‘egglplant’ theme

Spent more time than a reasonable person would trying to get Windows 10 to look like the old Windows ‘95 theme “eggplant.” Pleased to announce partial success. I call it “egglplant.”

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STILLPOINT – Free Ambience from Steve Roach

Two decent hours of ambient drone. Roach has hundreds of for-pay albums, this one is free (pay what you want).

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25 Minutes of Battle Royale, Single Player (Narrative Slideshow)

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